Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 30-The MishMash of My Life

Sometimes it is the little things that accumulate here and there is our lives. We move them from one side of the house to the other or one drawer to another.

At least that is what I do. They had a place at one time but have been unused for a time or replaced with something newer but never “culled from the herd”.

Day 30A

There was a time in my life when I had short hair. I mean REALLY short hair.

image_7_9_2007-23(rev 0)

See, really short hair. And then in 2005 I looked in the mirror one day and decided that short hair just didn’t work for me any more. And if it didn’t then that meant that I had to grow the hair out.


And for a time I looked like a crazed poodle. Curly hair everywhere. There wasn’t a ton of hair so I could actually use small clip barettes and clips. But no more. I have enough hair to braid into a rug so these little clips have to go as they can’t hold a thing.

Day 30B

I have no idea where the basket came from. It is cute but I don’t know what I would do with it. The calculators are the last vestiges of my less that stellar career as a scrapbooking consultant. I had a bunch of these so that people could add up how much they wanted to pay me. People just didn’t seem to want to use them for some reason. And then there is the metal container. It had a lotion bar in it at one point but I used that up. And then I used it to store some…….post-it notes. But no more. It is gone.

Day 30C

These little beauties used to sit on the bathroom counter. And then along came Joyce the Stager.

Well they are cute, but it really doesn’t portray a clean and sleek look does it. I am afraid they will need to be stored UNDERNEATH the counter.

And I got used to them under there. And then I decided that if I was going to store the q-tips and cotton balls under the counter I would just put them in mason jars and give these away.

Day 30D

There was a time in my life when I painted my nails all the time. I buffed. I shined. I painted. I was concerned about my cuticles. Ragged nails were instantly banished.

And then I became a nurse. And I had very short fingernails. And then I had kids. And nail polish lasted for about 2 days. And I cannot stand to have chipped nail polish.

I can honestly say that I will never take the time to buff my nails again. In fact, I didn’t think these should even go in the “to be donated” boxes so I just pitched them out.

I have no idea why there was a tongue depressor in with all the nail stuff. And I don’t think I want to know.

Ignorance is bliss.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite options lately is putting things out at the curb with a large "FREE" sign. Even the 10 tomato cages disappeared. Overnight. Ditto large flower pots.


I love comments. And I want to know if you have been inspired to clean out and if so what is going out the door never to return. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you are doing.