Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 15–Do Post-It Notes Breed in the Cupboard?

Hello, my name is Debbie.

I am a……. Post-it Note hoarder.

Oh how I love them. I have always loved them. The possibilities are endless.

Note writing. Reminders to self. Blog ideas. Band names. Quotes.

My father is a physician and I grew up in the heyday of The Detail Man. The Detail Man was the source of all pens and note paper and sticky notes in our household. Before I was ever old enough to even know WHAT birth control was I knew the names….because they were emblazoned on all our note paper and sticky notes.

And then I grew up and had a home of my own and progeny of my own and my father would often say when we visited,

Do you need any pads of paper and pens?


The progeny were never without plenty of paper to doodle on and write lists on and draw faces on. They came home with their own bags of paper and pens. And with every new house I packed up and moved the ever growing box full of post-it notes/pads of paper.

And that box didn’t just contain the stash that I got from Papa. Oh no I continued to buy.

And then they introduced “Super Sticky Post-it Notes”.

And I was doomed.

Day 15 PostitBDay 15PostitC

Not just one shelf full of post-it notes. TWO shelves full. And these are just the “generics”. There is also this………

Day 15PostitA

This desk drawer is full of “the good stuff”.

I could be a Post-it Note dealer on some street corner.

And so I have decided that no one person could possibly use all these post-it notes in one life time. So I have cleaned out.

Day 15PostitD

This picture really doesn’t convey how many of these that I have eliminated from the store house. I weeded out all the packs that didn’t have “Post-it” written on the back because to be honest all of those have lost their stickiness over the years (and I do mean years) and no longer do what they are intended to do.

I also eliminated any packs of stickies that came in the shape of female internal anatomy.

You may laugh but there were some.

And if the ad on the sticky took up half of the front then they were culled as well.

I fell so much lighter!

Oh, and lest you wonder. I DID NOT cull any of the good post-it notes. Those I love and SURELY I will use all of those up by the time I die. Or I will just give them to the grandchildren.

But I am not allowed to buy any more.


  1. Wow. Don't allow your father to send you any either.

    (Third paragraph from the bottom. Not fell lighter, feel lighter.) Just call me your editor in chief.

  2. HAHAHA! Thank you oh editor in chief.

  3. Thank you for being so transparent. You make the rest of us feel pretty normal.

  4. Oh, this is the funniest ever! I laughed for ten minutes straight! I love this blog!
    (My verification word is "wingst"...I'm certain they meant "angst" but they didn't know how to spell it.)


I love comments. And I want to know if you have been inspired to clean out and if so what is going out the door never to return. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you are doing.