Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 7–A Perfectly Good Cooler

Remember I mentioned earlier in the week about the “garbage day repurposing” that is a tradition in my family.

Well there is also a tradition of picking perfectly good things up from the side of the road tradition too. The progeny may remember the time that we were zooming along the highway when I saw a lovely stuffed bear along the side of the road. I got off at the next exit, got back on the highway going the opposite direction, got off at the next exit, went back the way I had been going, pulled off to the side of the road and picked up the bear. His name is “Parker” and he still lives with me.

Today’s item is a perfectly good item that fell off of a truck in front of my house earlier in the summer.

Day 7A

Our across the street neighbors were having their roof replaced and the different tradesmen had their trucks parked along the street. And one day, after everyone left there was this cooler, laying on it’s side between my mailbox and my driveway.



Very, very dirty.

But I figured that who ever the owner was they would realize that it was missing, know where they had lost it and come back for it so I left it right where it was.

For two days.

And no one came back and I couldn’t stand it’s cries of loneliness anymore so I brought it up to the house. It still had the remains of someone’s lunch in it (YUCK!) as well as a very wet, rather stinky and VERY dirty towel (DOUBLE YUCK!).

I dumped the food. I washed the towel and put it in the drawer where I keep “work towels”. And I left the cooler out by the garage. And frankly I then forgot about it for a while. I have the amazing ability to walk past something multiple times and just ignore it. I do that all the time with the dog hair elephants. The cooler sat there for about a month before I decided that I should wash it and see what I had. It is nice. It is small. It is as clean as I can get it. But I really don’t need it, we have a bunch of other coolers in multiple sizes and so, rather than allowing it into the house and then having to make a decision later on to donate it I am moving it directly into the growing mound of stuff that is going to VOA.

Have a great weekend everyone. Continue to clean out at least one thing a day. Aunt BeaN congratulations on cleaning off the plant shelf. Now go and tackle a closet.

If you are so inclined and want to share what you have cleaned out just shoot me an email.

1 comment:

  1. How weird that the owner didn't pick it up. How weirder that you did. :)


I love comments. And I want to know if you have been inspired to clean out and if so what is going out the door never to return. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you are doing.