Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 20-The Bags Over-runneth

As with almost everything that I have been cleaning out I have absolutely no idea how I acquired so many bags.

Day 20ADay 20B1

These are but a portion of the bags that live here at Chez Knit. Some of them came from the auto show. Some came from the Detail Man many years ago. Some of them were “borrowed” and never returned. Some were purchased on a overseas trip or two when I realized I needed an extra carry on bag for purchases on the way home. Or Mimi had that realization on a trip. Or I just saw it some where and had to have it.

Or they just may be breeding. Who knows.

And the other thing is that I am, as I might have mentioned before, a knitter. And knitters love bags. Knitters are drawn to bags like moths to a flame. And I do love all of these. But I do not need them. I have other bags that I use every day. These have been sitting around, moved from drawer to box to shelf. And it is time for them to go and help some other person who needs a bag. They have been feeling sadly neglected and unfilled.

And so we say……..

Bye bye.


I love comments. And I want to know if you have been inspired to clean out and if so what is going out the door never to return. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you are doing.