Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 39–His Day Has Finally Come

Well, the new year has finally arrived. And that means that I am finally getting around to putting away the Christmas decorations. I will admit that this is one of the least favorite jobs that I do here at Chez Knit. And there are times when I think…

HEY! Maybe I can just leave the decorations up all year long and then just tell people that Chez Knit is actually a West Virginia colony.



But I digress.

When I put away the decorations I try to decide if there are any decorations that just don’t fit anymore. Those decorations that you pull out every year and then put right back in the box. You know the ones I mean. We all have them. I am sure that there are more of them that will show up here in the next few days.

But today…..

Day 39D

I am sorry to say that it is time for Easy Rider Santa to ride right out of here.

Yes, Ardith, I still have him….but not for long.

Day 39C

Easy Rider Santa “came” to me several years ago at The Annual March of the White Elephants. That is just another way to describe our yearly gathering to exchange unneeded, unwanted and sometimes heavily damaged goods. What a family!

Easy Rider Santa came to me fully functional and in it’s original box. SCORE!!! And I have put him out several years now. But he really doesn’t play well with others and must be put in a lonely spot where he cannot incite the other Santas to up and take a road trip.

Day 39ADay 39B

Good bye Easy Rider Santa. It has been nice knowing you. Ardith do you want him back?? I would be GLAD to send him to you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....I have to close this window out before Dudette sees that thing because she'll want him. THAT'S a white elephant gift.


I love comments. And I want to know if you have been inspired to clean out and if so what is going out the door never to return. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you are doing.