Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 46- Tiling It On

One would think that I am neglecting this poor little blog.

And one might be right.

I must apologize to all 6 of you who wander by here occasionally. January is generally a bad month for me. I have trouble getting things done. I just don’t have the mojo after all that goes on around here in November and December.

But I think I am back on track. Today’s offering is small but significant.

Or not

Day 45

Yes, that is a partially full box of tiles. Tiles from my back hallway to be specific.

They are being given the old heave ho. In the figurative sense that is because in the literally sense I would then have to clean up all the shattered tiles. I am all for making LESS work for myself rather than more.

And yes, I KNOW I should probably keep them. That the minute they leave the house for good I will drop something heavy on the back hall tiles and break one.

I am going to risk it. And there are other half empty boxes of tile from other tiled areas that are also going bye bye. Yes I could keep them for the next people who inhabit the house, whenever that is.

But I am not going to. They are on their own.

I am mean.


  1. Ummmm, does this mean I should consider the short stack of leftover shingles, a couple long strips of siding, more shingles (different color), vinyl remnants? All reside on a shelf in the basement. They've been there nearly 5 years, just as good as new. Sigh! I can't get rid of them. Hubby thinks we may need them.

  2. Hi..I came over from Tramp's Camp...I can't wait to go back through all your posts and see all the stuff you are getting rid of...are you just giving it away ...throwing it away ..? I tend to just throw my stuff...then I feel kind of bad about that but if I pack it up it just never seems to get gone.


I love comments. And I want to know if you have been inspired to clean out and if so what is going out the door never to return. Leave me a comment below and tell me what you are doing.